How To Save Windows 10 Lock Screen Dynamic Backgrounds

The other day a user asked me if it was possible to save the dynamic lock screen backgrounds randomly shown when you log in to your Windows 10 computer. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go to Settings > Personalization > Lock screen and under Background, and you should see “Windows spotlight” And yes, it is possible to save…
How to set up an interactive log on message in windows 10

If you need to set a custom interactive log on message for your users using Windows 10 computers for legal or any other purposes there are a couple of ways you can accomplish that. If you only have a few computers in your network you can set the message individually on each computer using the Local Security Policy console, but…
File Explorer Acting Up In Windows 10

A few people using Windows 10 at the office complained that File Explorer was crashing when opening. I don’t know if this is a bug in file Explorer or it was something they installed that caused that behavior. If you are having that problem here is how I fixed it. Open Control Panel then under “view by” choose “large icons”…
Troubleshooting Windows 10 wireless problems

In this tutorial I will walk you through some basic things you can check when wireless is not working on your Windows 10 laptop. For a walk through on how to manage wireless profiles in Windows 10, please take a look at this tutorial Manage wireless profiles in Windows 10 Things to know This icon indicates your laptop wireless…
Customizing Windows 10

Windows 10 is a huge improvement from Windows 8. Everyone I have spoke to who is using Windows 10 have nothing but praises to say about Windows 10, so it seems like Windows 10 is deemed to become a popular Windows release like Windows XP and Windows 7 was. I’ve been using Windows 10 myself for a couple of months…
How to take ownership permissions in a folder on Windows 10

I just had a problem deleting a folder in Windows 10. supposedly I didn’t have the proper permissions to do so. first I tried to delete the folder from the file explorer, but it gave me an access denied error. then I tried from the command line using this command rmdir c:Windows.old /s but it gave me the same error.…
Joining Windows 10 to a domain

Yesterday we installed and configured Windows Server 2016 as a domain controller and today we will be joining a Windows 10 computer to that domain. Please note that joining a computer to a domain requires an admin account, and a network account to login to the computer after that computer has been joined to the network. Create the AD account…
How to upgrade from Window 7 to Windows 10

A few days ago I wrote an article if it was worthy to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. My conclusion was that if you are currently running any of those operating systems, you should upgrade. Before upgrading please keep in mind these things: You can only upgrade to Windows 10 for free from…
How to manage your wireless profiles in Windows 10

Quick wireless connection Connecting to a wireless access point in Windows 10 is easy. Just click on the wireless icon on the notification system panel, select the wireless access point you want to connect to, and click on Connect: if the wireless access point is secure you will be asked for the password. Creating a manual wireless profile If your…