Windows Sandbox Vs Hyper-V

There is a new feature in Windows 10 called Windows Sandbox that allows you to create a fresh Windows 10 session for testing new things or running suspicious files or application in a sandbox environment. The first question that came to my mind when I heard about this feature was, can I ditch VirtualBox and Hyper-V from my computer and…
Installing VirtualBox on Windows 10

Computer virtualization is quite common now. even non-techie computer users are using virtualization platforms like VirtualBox, VMware, Microsoft Virtual PC, and others to run multiple operating systems in their computers. Mac users do that a lot, as many applications are not available for the mac. VirtualBox is the most popular virtualizer for solo users. in this tutorial I will show…
How to map a network drive in Windows 10

Mapping a network drive in Windows 10 is not much different than mapping a network drive in previous Windows releases, but just to refresh your memory here is how you do it. open File Explorer and click on This PC then click on Computer on the top menu and then click on Map network drive: The folder mapping window will…
Lenovo T460s laptop review and a comparison of the T series laptops

I only write tutorials for this site, but I’ll make an exception today, and sneak in a review for this laptop. I’ve been wanting to write this review for awhile, but I didn’t feel it was appropriate for the site, but what the hell, I’ll just do it. As the “go to” IT guy at work I’m the one that…
Headphones not working in Windows 10

Headphones are supposed to work every time you plug them in to your computer right? unfortunately no, these little nagging things are still present even when using Windows 10. I get many support tickets related to headphone issues from users quite frequently even from those using Windows 10. In this tutorial I will give you a run down of troubleshooting…
How to setup Gmail in Windows 10 built-in mail app

Setting up Gmail to work with the built-in mail app in Windows 10 is pretty straight forward, that is if you haven’t setup the 2 step verification process in your Google account, if you have, then process can get a little bit more involved. To setup Gmail with the built-in Windows 10 app, make sure IMAP access is setup in…
See what’s draining your laptop’s battery in Windows 10

If the battery is draining quicker than normal on your Windows 10 laptop, there is a quicker way to see what apps are causing the drain. to do that, click on the Start Menu and then click on Settings wrench: Then click on System: Then click on Battery then on Battery usage by app: Then you should be able to…
Is Windows 10 really free?

I’ve been asked by friends and colleagues a few times if Windows 10 is really free. maybe because they saw a window popping up on their Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer screen like this? And the answer is NO, Windows 10 is not free. here is what’s going on, In order to encourage adoption of Windows 10, Microsoft is…
Enable the home button in Windows 10 Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is the new minimalist browser installed by default in Windows 10. I’m starting to use Edge over Chrome for some web browsing, and one of the things I’m really used to is to have a “home” button in my browser. Edge does not have a home button by default, but it only takes a few seconds to set…