Add/Remove Windows Component Error

Awhile back I installed a custom build of Windows XP on a developer’s computer, and a few days later he was trying to install IIS on such computer and he got some errors. Of course, he called me immediately to help him out with the IIS installation. The error he was getting when clicking on the “Add/Remove Windows Components” button…
the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed
The error “the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed” came up while trying to add a domain user to the administrator group on a local computer the other day. the reason probably I got the error was because the computer I was trying to add to the domain had been out of the network for a…
Why is Seaport.exe process running on my Computer?

As a computer tech I am very picky of what runs on my computer, so periodically I do a check of all the processes currently running on my computer, and that’s how I stumbled upon this process called “seaport.exe” which I have no idea where it came from, or what it does. certainly a quick Google search will help! apparently…
Windows XP RDP Error When Connecting to Windows Server 2008

when using Remote Desktop on Windows XP to connect to a Windows 2008 Server you might get the following error: The remote computer requires network level authentication, which your computer does not support. for assistance, contact your system administrator for technical support. Network Level Authentication is a new authentication method on Windows Vista and Server 2008 that completes user authentication…
CD-ROM Exclamation Mark – Does Not Work

The other day I got a computer that somehow was not displaying the CD-ROM under My Computer. actually the CD-ROM was showing up under My Computer but it had an exclamation mark, and the CD-ROM did not work at all. after a little research I found a solution that worked perfectly for this problem. To fix the problem on Windows…
How to clean temporary Internet files with a log off script

The temporary Internet Files folder on your computer is a dynamic place, every time you visit a website on the Internet, all the web files composing that website get transferred from the hosting server to your computer Temporary Internet Files folder. that includes audio files, pictures and documents. so if you surf a lot on the Internet that Temporary Internet…