2 Tutorials
Updated 04/26/23

IT Strategy

An IT (Information Technology) Strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines an organization’s approach to managing, investing in, and utilizing technology to achieve its business goals and objectives. It serves as a roadmap for making decisions related to IT infrastructure, software, hardware, cybersecurity, data management, and other technology-related areas. The purpose of an IT Strategy is to align the organization’s technology resources and capabilities with its overall business strategy, ensuring that IT investments support business growth and competitive advantage.

Why do Organizations need an IT strategy?

Organizations need an IT strategy for several reasons, as it plays a critical role in ensuring the effective use of technology to achieve business objectives. Here are some key reasons why organizations need an IT strategy:

  • Align IT with business goals: An IT strategy helps align technology initiatives with the organization’s overall mission and objectives, ensuring that IT investments support business growth and provide a competitive advantage.
  • Optimize IT resources: A well-defined IT strategy helps organizations optimize their technology resources, including hardware, software, and personnel, by prioritizing projects and allocating resources effectively.
  • Improve decision-making: By providing a clear roadmap and guidelines for technology investments and projects, an IT strategy helps organizations make better-informed decisions about their IT infrastructure and initiatives.
  • Enhance efficiency and productivity: A comprehensive IT strategy can identify opportunities to improve business processes, automate manual tasks, and streamline operations, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Mitigate risks: An IT strategy takes into account potential risks, such as cybersecurity threats and data breaches, and outlines plans to mitigate these risks through proactive measures and contingency plans.
  • Facilitate innovation: A forward-looking IT strategy encourages organizations to explore new technologies and adopt innovative solutions that can drive business growth, improve customer experiences, and create new revenue streams.
  • Increase agility and adaptability: With a well-defined IT strategy, organizations can be more agile and adaptable in responding to changing market conditions, evolving customer needs, and emerging technology trends.
  • Enhance collaboration and communication: An IT strategy can foster better communication and collaboration between the IT department and other business units, ensuring that technology initiatives are aligned with broader organizational goals and needs.
  • Maximize ROI on IT investments: By prioritizing projects based on their potential impact and aligning them with business objectives, an IT strategy can help organizations maximize the return on investment (ROI) from their technology investments.
  • Provide a roadmap for change: An IT strategy serves as a blueprint for transforming the organization’s technology landscape, outlining the steps and milestones required to move from the current state to the desired future state.

What the IT strategy should include

An IT Strategy should be comprehensive, clearly outlining the organization’s approach to managing, investing in, and utilizing technology to achieve its business objectives. Here are the key components an IT Strategy should include:

  • Vision and objectives: Establish a clear vision for the organization’s technology landscape and define specific objectives that IT initiatives should achieve in order to support the organization’s mission and goals.
  • Assessment of current state: Evaluate the existing IT infrastructure, systems, processes, and capabilities to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This helps provide a clear understanding of the current technology landscape.
  • Gap analysis: Identify the gaps between the current state and the desired future state, as well as the necessary steps to bridge these gaps. This includes both technology improvements and process changes.
  • Technology roadmap: Outline a timeline for implementing new technologies, upgrading existing systems, and retiring outdated or redundant solutions. This roadmap should prioritize projects based on their potential impact and alignment with business objectives.
  • Governance and organization: Define the structure, roles, and responsibilities of the IT department, as well as establish decision-making processes and policies for IT investments and projects. This helps ensure that technology decisions are aligned with organizational goals and needs.
  • Budget and resource allocation: Estimate the financial and human resources required to execute the IT Strategy and determine the appropriate allocation of these resources across various initiatives and projects. This helps optimize the use of resources and ensures that priority projects receive the necessary support.
  • Risk management: Identify potential risks related to technology, such as cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and system failures, and outline plans to mitigate these risks through proactive measures and contingency plans.
  • Performance measurement and monitoring: Establish metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to track the progress and success of IT initiatives, as well as setting up a system for ongoing monitoring, reporting, and improvement. This helps ensure that the IT strategy remains effective and aligned with business needs.
  • Change management: Develop a change management plan to support the successful implementation of the IT Strategy, including communication, training, and support for affected employees and stakeholders.
  • Regular review and updates: Establish a process for regularly reviewing and updating the IT Strategy to ensure that it remains aligned with the organization’s evolving business needs and the ever-changing technology landscape.

By including these components in an IT Strategy, organizations can create a comprehensive plan that effectively guides their technology investments and initiatives, ensuring alignment with their overall business goals.

How to create an IT strategy

Creating an IT strategy involves a systematic process that ensures alignment between an organization’s technology initiatives and its overall business objectives. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create an effective IT strategy:

  1. Understand the business objectives: Begin by gaining a deep understanding of the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic goals. This ensures that the IT strategy will be aligned with the overall business objectives.
  2. Assess the current state: Evaluate the existing IT infrastructure, systems, processes, and capabilities to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This will provide a clear understanding of the current technology landscape and its effectiveness in supporting the organization’s goals.
  3. Define the IT vision and objectives: Based on the business objectives and the current state assessment, establish a clear vision for the organization’s technology landscape, and define specific objectives that IT initiatives should achieve to support the organization’s mission and goals.
  4. Conduct a gap analysis: Identify the gaps between the current state and the desired future state, as well as the necessary steps to bridge these gaps. This includes both technology improvements and process changes.
  5. Develop a technology roadmap: Create a prioritized roadmap for implementing new technologies, upgrading existing systems, and retiring outdated or redundant solutions. This roadmap should outline a timeline for execution and be aligned with business objectives.
  6. Establish governance and organization: Define the structure, roles, and responsibilities of the IT department, as well as decision-making processes and policies for IT investments and projects. This ensures that technology decisions are made in a consistent and informed manner.
  7. Plan for budget and resource allocation: Estimate the financial and human resources required to execute the IT strategy and determine the appropriate allocation of these resources across various initiatives and projects.
  8. Identify and manage risks: Assess potential risks related to technology, such as cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and system failures, and develop plans to mitigate these risks through proactive measures and contingency plans.
  9. Define performance measurement and monitoring: Establish metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to track the progress and success of IT initiatives, and set up a system for ongoing monitoring, reporting, and improvement.
  10. Implement change management: Develop a change management plan to support the successful implementation of the IT strategy, including communication, training, and support for affected employees and stakeholders.
  11. Regularly review and update the strategy: Establish a process for regularly reviewing and updating the IT strategy to ensure that it remains aligned with the organization’s evolving business needs and the ever-changing technology landscape.

By following these steps, you can create an effective IT strategy that helps your organization leverage technology to achieve its business objectives and maintain a competitive advantage. Remember to involve key stakeholders throughout the process to ensure their buy-in and support for the strategy.

Executing The IT strategy

  • Executing an IT strategy involves implementing the various components of the strategy to achieve the organization’s technology objectives and support its overall business goals. Here are some key steps to successfully execute an IT strategy:
  • Establish clear communication: Clearly communicate the IT strategy to all relevant stakeholders, including the IT department, other business units, and senior management. Ensure that everyone understands the vision, objectives, and roadmap, as well as their roles and responsibilities in the implementation process.
  • Set priorities and timelines: Prioritize the initiatives in the technology roadmap based on their potential impact and alignment with business objectives. Establish realistic timelines for each initiative, taking into consideration the resources and budget available.
  • Allocate resources: Assign the necessary financial and human resources to each initiative based on the priorities and timelines established. Ensure that the IT department has the required skills and expertise to execute the strategy effectively.
  • Implement governance and decision-making processes: Ensure that the governance structure and decision-making processes outlined in the IT strategy are in place and functioning effectively. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, establishing policies, and setting up reporting and communication channels.
  • Monitor progress and performance: Track the progress of each initiative using the established metrics and KPIs. Regularly review the performance of the IT strategy and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it remains aligned with the organization’s evolving business needs and the ever-changing technology landscape.
  • Manage risks and contingencies: Proactively identify and mitigate potential risks related to technology, such as cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and system failures. Implement contingency plans to address unexpected events or challenges that may arise during the execution of the IT strategy.
  • Facilitate change management: Support the successful implementation of the IT strategy by providing clear communication, training, and support for affected employees and stakeholders. Address any concerns or resistance to change and ensure that everyone is on board with the new processes and technologies.
  • Foster collaboration and communication: Encourage open communication and collaboration between the IT department and other business units to ensure that technology initiatives are aligned with broader organizational goals and needs.
  • Continuously improve and adapt: Regularly review the IT strategy and its execution to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to adapt to new technologies or changing business requirements. Be prepared to make adjustments to the strategy as needed to ensure its continued effectiveness.
  • Measure and celebrate success: Recognize and celebrate the successes achieved through the execution of the IT strategy. Share these accomplishments with stakeholders and use them as a foundation for building further momentum and support for future IT initiatives.

By following these steps and maintaining a focus on the strategic objectives, organizations can successfully execute their IT strategy and leverage technology to achieve their business goals


In conclusion, an IT strategy plays a vital role in guiding organizations to effectively manage and leverage technology in support of their business objectives. By aligning technology initiatives with overall business goals, an IT strategy ensures that technology investments deliver maximum value and contribute to the organization’s growth and competitive advantage.

Creating a comprehensive IT strategy involves understanding the organization’s mission and goals, assessing the current technology landscape, identifying gaps, and developing a roadmap to bridge those gaps. Moreover, effective IT strategies encompass governance, resource allocation, risk management, performance measurement, and change management.

Successful execution of an IT strategy requires clear communication, collaboration, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that the strategy remains relevant in the ever-evolving technology landscape. By regularly reviewing and updating the strategy, organizations can adapt to changing market conditions and seize new opportunities.

Ultimately, a well-designed and implemented IT strategy empowers organizations to harness the full potential of technology, enabling them to drive innovation, increase efficiency, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

10 components an IT strategy should include

10 components an IT strategy should include

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